Rakudo Perl

Mr. Muskrat on 2008-04-30T21:59:04

Last night Patrick Michaud presented "Rakudo Perl" to the D/FW Perl Mongers. It sounds like a great time to start working with Perl 6. The compiler is far enough along that I can start doing baby programming in it. I can gradually start using more and more features as they become available. That sounds like a nice way to grow into the language.

I was surprised and extremely pleased by the amount of time that he spent talking about the Parrot Compiler Toolkit (PCT) and how to make your own compiler on Parrot. First, he showed us how to quickly make a very basic calculator with it. Then he had to show us the LOLCODE compiler that Will Coleda and Simon Cozens put together in about 4 hours! I wish I had use for PCT as it sounds great.

If you want to check it out, here are Patrick's Rakudo Perl slides.